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The Vision

 Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work. (Psalm 62:12) Pastor Bruce B. Matthews is the Visionary of Rejuvenate Your Life Through Christ Ministries. God has anointed and appointed Pastor Matthews to preach and teach the gospel to mankind; he has been called out to preach a Word of Rejuvenation to the brokenhearted and down trodden, to preach deliverance to those that are bound to the devices of this world and the Spirit world.


Pastor Matthews is committed to labor for God with love so that men and women may be perfected and thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Rejuvenate Your Life Through Christ Ministries is a ministry founded on biblical principles. 1Corinthians 3:11…For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.


We are servants of the Most High God who strive to serve all people in the Spirit of Excellency and Love. More over our vision is to be a global authority that empowers and equips young creative minds with all the requirements to become ultimate leaders and people of all around success. We have a vision of hope to keep families and individuals united and strong as they progress to overcome their challenges and see the seed of hope blossom into a new beginning.


Our vision is to raise awareness in the communities to bring about socially, mentally, physically, spiritually and financial richness in the lives of the young families, single men and women as well as our senior citizens. Rejuvenate Your Life Through Christ Ministries will teach a broad range of people to shape their community and homes through an expression of Faith in Jesus by choosing to adopt biblical values in their day to day decision making activities.


The Word of God has been displayed in many areas of the ministry. Through our feeding ministry, (feeding well over 100 monthly); clothing ministry (providing free clothing to those less fortunate); visiting the sick through the hospital and shut-in ministry; bringing the Word of God monthly in the Nursing Home ;and traveling to Dominican Republic where we preach, teach, send clothing and school supplies yearly.


Rejuvenate Your Life Through Christ Ministries is being proclaimed to reach the community our nation and the world. And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (Habakkuk 2:2) The vision has been written down and made plain, so that as one body, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we may run with it and the vision will be fulfilled at the appointed time.

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